Två kvinnor som sitter vid ett bord och samtalar


Application period

Closed for calls
Opens up on November 17th, 2024


With the Avans programme, the Knowledge Foundation wants to give the universities the opportunity to develop or fiurther develop degree programmes at second cycle level together with the business sector.

Background of the programme

For Sweden to continue being a competitive country with high innovation skills, the educational offering at the country’s universities and university colleges (henceforth called universities in the call text) must be of high quality, have a clear connection to the state-of-the-art, and be relevant to the needs of the labour market. In order to ensure this, the universities and the business sector need to engage through collaboration in needs analysis and development of relevant educational activities.

The programme’s contribution to strong research and educational environments

The specific purpose of the programme Avans is to integrate the academic environment’s research and education activities and to contribute to provision of competence within the business sector.

About the programme

  • Development or further development of degree programmes at second cycle level
  • Course development in close collaboration with the business sector
  • Strengthens the integration between research and education.
  • Two versions of the programme are offered – Avans Mini and Avans Maxi
  • Maximum funding: SEK 500,000 (Mini) or SEK 2 Million (Maxi)
  • Maximum project duration: 1 year (Mini) or 3 years (Maxi)
Programme film

Linneaus University

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