SEK 8 million for battery production initiative
The Knowledge Foundation grants SEK 8 million in funding to Mälardalen University (MDU) for an initi...
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New Book on Collaboration Between Research & Practice
The Knowledge Foundation grants SEK 8 million in funding to Mälardalen University (MDU) for an initi...
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The Knowledge Foundation is awarding just over SEK 40 million to eight projects within the SPARK res...
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In connection with the Knowledge Foundation’s 30th anniversary, we are investing SEK 170 million in ...
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What does co-production mean?
Co-production forms the basis of Knowledge Foundation’s operation and is an inherent element in the projects, the research and the educational environments that we fund. Co-production means that the projects we fund must be designed and implemented in close collaboration between academia and the business sector.
Academia and companies choose the area and the focus of the project
The Knowledge Foundation’s Calls for Proposals are open to project proposals in all subjects and areas. It is academia and the business sector that jointly select the areas and research questions that are both of academic interest and highly relevant to business sector. The projects we fund therefore span a wide range of scientific and business areas.
Development and implementation of business-relevant educational activities at second cycle level for working professionals.
Enabling environments to establish strong positions
The Knowledge Foundation’s programmes are aimed at enabling environments to establish and maintain a strong, long-term, national and international scientific or artistic position which also contributes to the profiling of the higher education institution. This enables the environment to also become a valuable long-term partner for the business sector.
Projects increase competence for the business world
Our eight programmes are designed to contribute to strategically strong research and educational environments and contribute to development and increased competence for the business world. The Knowledge Foundation’s programmes is announced once a year, in September.