For assessors and peers

Submitted applications are assessed by external assessment groups and peers appointed by the Knowledge Foundation. This page contains collected information for you as an peer or assessor. 

External assessment panels

All applications that meet the formal requirements are assessed by external assessment panels (expert group for the KK-miljö) appointed by the Foundation. 

The assessment panels comprise people from academia and business sector and other relevant actors when appropriate. The panels are appointed with the ambition to have a balanced composition of the competence and experience that is necessary for qualified assessments of the applications. The Foundation strives for the panels to have a span of subject expertise and an even gender distribution. There is an assessment panel for each programme and the panel is steered by an appointed chairman. 

International peers 

In some programmes of the foundation, the scientific/ artistic quality is reviewed by international experts (peer-review). The peer reviewers are identified by the secretariat based on their competence within the project’s specific subject area and make an assessment of the project’s scientific/artistic quality based on criteria and guidelines from the Foundation. The peers make individual assessments in SBS-manager and their statement is shared with the assessment panels to be considered in the overall assessment. The peers’ statements will not be shared with the applicants. 


The Knowledge Foundation’s assessors are reimbursed for their work on the assessment process. The reimbursement is divided into a reading fee, payable per application read and assessed, and a meeting fee. The reading fee differs between the programmes. Assessors are also compensated for any travel and accommodation incurred in conjunction with assessor meetings.  

Peers are compensated for their individual assessments. Reimbursement levels differ between different programmes.