Applying for funding

You can read about the process of applying for funding from the Knowledge Foundation here. The call for proposals for the respective programme will include detailed information on the objective and purpose of the programme, the formal requirements, assessment criteria, timescale, etc. If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, please contact the person responsible for the programme at our secretariat.

In accordance with our statutes, we fund research and competence development at second cycle or third cycle level at Sweden’s university colleges and newer universities. The Knowledge Foundation’s funding goes to the universities and is applied for by an operationally responsible project manager who will run the project in a stated research and educational environment at the university.

Programmes and calls for proposals

We offer a number of programmes for funding. Our ordinary programmes are announced regularly once a year to enable the universities to take a long-term, strategic approach in planning their applications.

In additional to these cyclical programmes, we also offer the KK-environment programme, which is a tool for strategy-driven development and profiling of academic environments in a selected area at a universities. The Knowledge Foundation may also issue specific calls for proposals.

Annual plan – Calls for proposals

Annual plan 2024


Note! The plan for calls of proposals for the next three years given that the ongoing strategy work does not result in any major changes.

Terms and conditions

The different programmes set specific terms and conditions for an application, as described in the call for proposals concerned. However, a criterion for all the Knowledge Foundation’s programmes is that they must contribute to the development of strong research and educational environments within the university’s profiled areas.

All projects funded by the Foundation must be designed in co-production between academia and the business sector. How the business sector is to participate in specific projects is described in detail in the call for proposals of the particular programme. Several programmes require that the contribution from business partners to the project must in total correspond to at least the same amount as that applied for from the Foundation. Co-funding business actors must fulfil the requirements of the Knowledge Foundation (read more).

The Knowledge Foundation’s calls for proposals are open to all scientific and artistic subject areas.


Each programme/call has specific requirements on the format of an application and the information that must be provided for an application to be equivalently assessed. The call for proposals for the respective programme will contain detailed information regarding what is required. All the Knowledge Foundation’s programmes require the following elements to be included in the application as a minimum:

  • Description of the current research and educational environment
    The application must include a description of the research and educational environment at the universities where the project is to be managed, and a description of how the project applied for will contribute to the development of this environment.
  • Project plan
    The project plan must describe the structure of the project, its implementation and objectives, how co-production with the business sector is to work, etc.
  • Letters of intent
    Signed letters of intent are required from each of the participating partners detailing their needs and motives for participation, contributions and participation in the implementation of the project, expected results and benefits of participation, and total contribution (primarily through in-kind contributions). It is of great importance that the letters of intent are individually formulated by (each of) the participating partners.
  • Project budget
    The Knowledge Foundation’s project template must be used, and the budget must also be justified in the project plan. Budgeting of funding must follow the instructions in the General Terms and Conditions document.
  • Signatures of the project manager, project owner and vice-chancellor
    The application must be signed by the project manager and the project owner. In some programmes, signatures from the vice-chancellor are required. The signature appendix is here

The project manager must use the SBS Manager application system to send an application to the Knowledge Foundation. The project manager must also use SBS Manager for progress reports and final reports of the project.

Application process

We have provided a general overview of the Knowledge Foundation’s application process here. The calls for proposals of the respective programme will also provide detailed information on the format of applications and the information needed to enable an application to be assessed. If anything is unclear or if you have any questions, please contact the programme manager.

Create an account in the SBS Manager application system

All applications to the Knowledge Foundation are submitted via our application system, SBS Manager. The application should be submitted by the project manager, who creates a personal account in the application system. It is important that you as the project manager create and administer the account, as you will then be linked to the project and to the reporting.

Structure your application

Once you have created an account and logged into the application system, you open a new application by clicking the Start a new application button.

Then choose the call for proposals/programme you want to apply to. Instructions for how to fill in the application are found in the application form in SBS Manager and in the call for proposals for the programme.

Remember that the application form and instructions may differ between different programmes and calls for proposals. Make sure that the application includes all the information and details requested, including appendices. You can update and add to your application up until the deadline.

Submit your application

Submit your application once you have uploaded all your information and appendices to the application system. If you need to amend an application that has already been submitted before the deadline, contact us at (

Submitted applications cannot be amended after the application deadline. The application must be signed (digitally) by the project manager and the project owner. In some programmes, signature from the vice-chancellor are required.