Ongoing Projects

Report Your Progress
Progress Reports
In most of the Foundation’s programmes, a progress report/half-time report must be submitted for the project. The report provides a general account of how the project is progressing. Major changes and deviations from the project plan, schedule or regarding the budget and staff, for example, must be described and justified. A report on the financial outcome must also be provided in the progress report.
Final Reports
A final report must be submitted after the end of the project. The final report describes the project’s results, financial outcomes, deviations from the project plan, co-production with the business sector and how the project has contributed to the development of the research and educational environment. The final report must be submitted no later than two months after the end of the project.
Granted Projects
Here you will find lists of the projects that the Knowledge Foundation has granted funding to in recent years. More information can be found in the news archive, where you will find many examples of outcomes and results from the projects funded by the KK Foundation.