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Application period

Closed for calls
Opens up on November 17th, 2024


The Expertkompetens programme gives the universities, together with the business sector, the opportunity to develop their ability to meet the needs of the business sector in terms of competence development for working professionals.

Background of the programme

Continuous competence development throughout a person’s working life, or lifelong learning, is a crucial piece of the puzzle in responding to the changing competence needs in the business sector. Universities and university colleges will have an important role to play in this by taking greater responsibility for the development and transition of professionals, as also set out in the Higher Education Act.
For many universities and university colleges this may mean an increased need to reach and adapt the education activities to new target groups of students. At the same time, this kind of activities may offer greater opportunities for collaboration with the business sector on educational issues.

The programme’s contribution to strong research and educational environments

The Expertkompetens programme specifically contributes to opportunities to establish or renew educational collaboration between universities and the business sector, and to improve long-term access to relevant research-related expertise for the business sector. The programme also helps build on the relationship between academia and business in areas related to the environment’s research orientations, thus contributing to profiling.

About the programme

  • Development and implementation of business-relevant educational activities at at least second cycle level for working professionals
  • Close collaboration between academia and the business sector
  • Strengthens the long-term capacity of higher education institutions to manage educational activities tailored to the competence development of working professionals
  • Two versions of the programme are offered – Expertkompetens Mini  and Expertkompetens Maxi Maximum funding: SEK 4 million (Mini) or SEK 12 million (Maxi)
  • Maximum project duration: 3 years (Mini) or 5 years (Maxi)
Programme film

Örebro University

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