Category: The application process

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    Where can I create and submit an application?

    All applications to the Knowledge Foundation are submitted via our application system, SBS Manager. The application should be submitted by the project manager, who creates a personal account in the application system. It is important that you as the project manager create and administer the account, as you will then...

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    Which subjects and areas does the Knowledge Foundation fund?

    The Knowledge Foundation welcomes applications within all scientific and artistic fields.

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    When can I apply?

    Our ordinary programmes are announced regularly once a year (in September) to enable the higher education institutions to take a long-term, strategic approach in planning their applications. Read more about our annual plan for calls here: Applying for funding

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    Where can I find the appendices for the application?

    We have gathered all the appendices, forms and templates here: Documents and publications

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    Is it possible to see previous applications?

    Yes, please send an e-mail to for requesting a previous granted application or contact the programme manager.

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    Who may apply?

    In accordance with our statutes, we fund research and competence development at second cycle or third cycle level at Sweden’s university colleges and newer universities. The Knowledge Foundation’s funding goes to the higher education institution and is applied for by an operationally responsible project manager who will run the project...